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(A conversation with my beloved)

From my beloved:

You work, you live a life of toil,

You sweat, but keep ploughing that soil,

You built, mansions that stood tall,

And then you felt that people didn't care at all.

You suffered, yet you put in all energy,

Is this what you wanted to be?

You kept your head up even when you felt sleepy,

You filled the gap and worked above the ordinary.

Is anyone noticing your efforts?

Is any ready to calm you when it gets tough?

Your mind has become a field of so many thoughts,

And you wonder why life is this rough?

Can some cold water on your face bring you relief?

Can some sleep help this disbelief?

So, upon finding rest you have some dreams,

But what you can see is not strange it seems.

Cause even when you rest you don't get the best,

For you this life is a continuous test,

But you rightly know that you can't give less,

Your sleep is short, but you have to go, nevertheless.

To my beloved:

Beloved, my toiling is not in vain,

Even when sometimes it brings me pain.

All I do is for you my beloved friend,

To keep your life secure under this tent.

But what do you get my beloved?

See I know, I don't have enough time to be with you,

To rekindle the light of our intimacy,

I know, I don't have enough time to talk to you,

To hear your voice sing to me a sweet melody.

But I'm not giving excuses,

Yes, sometimes this life confuses,

But my beloved you will always be my priority,

My motivation to face every life's calamity.

And I will hold you always near,

I'll fight every life's battle for you my dear,

Because you have always helped me see clear,

Through this dark world, I do not fear.

My beloved, don't get me wrong,

Life is not a book, a movie or a song,

Mine for you is maybe an act of fiction,

With little gratification, zero satisfaction.

Yet I sacrifice all for you as I go to my working station,

Because all mine is yours my beloved person,

All my strength and all my affection,

But well, this is just my perception.

What does it require then my beloved?

This requires courage and discipline,

To keep oneself focused on goals,

To work for real and not like on a movie scene,

For in that is God's blessing to your toils.

But you never told me that before?

Forgive me because I never told you so,

To you and to many others I am accountable,

Life gets hard as you become responsible,

Questions that you're asked can sometimes be so difficult.

But as you work, you never know who's watching,

So, as you work, have in mind there's someone you are inspiring,

When you work, there's a future you are securing,

As your work, for your beloved you are providing,

By your work, the nation's future you are building,

Through your work, the youth and generation you are restoring.

By Benalem

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